Envoplan Academy

An invaluable chance for students to get real-life design, business and manufacturing perspectives

What is Envoplan Academy?

1. Educational student centric tour of how Envoplan works.

2. Provides business insight into how to design and manage a new learning space.

3. Educate students on how best to utilise a learning space and which aspects of the space improves their learning.


Here at Envoplan Academy we strongly believe in inspiring young people. This, our newest venture in conjunction with award winning school furniture specialists Envoplan, is aimed at creating a completely new way of learning about business for your students.  

Get Involved

Envoplan Academy was founded by senior educators to give your students a way to be taught about work and the many different departments you might see in a company but with a fundamental difference – information is presented by those who actually work and manage these departments daily.  

Working with your schools and colleges, we aim to offer students an unrivalled look at business focusing on how they can get involved, what is expected of them, what they need to know and what they will learn. 


Our experienced presenters at Envoplan Academy will firstly take the students on a virtual journey of our sister company Envoplan via a detailed presentation, showing them what is involved in business. 

Along with an outline of the regulations and guidance needed in areas such as HR, Marketing, R&D, Business Development and Finance, students will be given a practical understanding of what necessitates a well-established business like Envoplan to be successful from day to day.  

Project Delivery

Transforming Environments

From learning about the importance of learning spaces to being shown the aspects of design that create success within our companies; your students will come away with a deeper understanding of how colour, light, texture and furniture can transform their educational environment. 

Your young learners will be given access to inner departmental workings, with an informative and enlightening talk to accompany their digital education including an overview of everything a business needs to operate.

Take the Tour

Following their online address with our experienced consultants, students will be taken on a tour by colleagues who are experts in their specific disciplines. 

This gives pupils the chance to see where products are made, the order process, the materials used and the finished product – an unparalleled inside experience of business end-to-end.

Our knowledge and passion for teaching is based on 50 years’ professional experience in the education design field. 

To see how Envoplan Academy can support your students or to book this amazing opportunity, please contact us today! 

Head Office & Manufacturing Facility

Noble House, Eaton Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7UB, United Kingdom

We’re always happy to hear from people looking for better education spaces.
For more information please complete the form below or call/email us today. 

Call Us

+44 (0)20 8997 9656

Working Hours

Mon – Fri: 8 am to 4.30 pm

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